Say what!? We've been recognized! Thank you Jessica from The Reinvention of Jessica for this nomination of sorts. Apparently the Liebster Award, well, "It's more like a pay-it-forward blog recognition chain letter thing." - But we are so incredibly excited and love pay-it-forward-related-things! (Shout out to Students Today, Leaders Forever).
Please check out her blog but here are a few excerpts that we love especially:
"While I was waiting in that hellish line (and all the lines were hellish), Dennis and Jack walked around and got some food and enjoyed themselves. They did some science experiments thanks to Mad Science (side note - I used to be a mad scientist and this company is amaze-balls), intently watched bigger kids play in the water bubbles, and found the best steak fries I've ever had in my entire life - I mean, I like potato wedges, but somehow these tasted like steak, like literally meaty, juicy steak. I don't know what else they did, but they had fun. And I waited in line."
"I hear about this mythical act of "putting your baby down to sleep," but I think it's just that, a myth. I'm just as likely to come across a unicorn as putting Jack down to sleep. "
"I drank the kool-aid, ya'll. As part of my 2015 goals, I promised myself I'd keep a day planner for the entire year, and I found one, and I'm already in deep. Like, really really deep. If you haven't already heard of Erin Condren Life Planners, then you might've been living under a rock because she has something of a cult following in the blogosphere. And I have joined the cult, yo. I bought the planner, joined the Facebook groups, watched the YouTube videos, and have stocked up on washi tape, stickers, and pens. You see, there are people out there who decorate their planners. And I don't mean just using color coded pens and a few cute calendar appointment stickers. I mean fyup. you should check it out lol. So thank you Jessica of The Reinvention of Jessica, we feel so motivated to blog like crazy, that and Laura Berg needs something to do at Everett's 3 am feedings.uckingDECORATE their planners, like, with scrapbooking supplies and stickers, and washi tape. Works of Art!!!"

Here are the rules:
- Thank the nominating blogger
- Nominate blogs that are new and/or have small followings.
- Answer questions from the nominating blogger
- Tell your readers random facts about yourself
- Give your nominees questions to answer
- Big Fat Greek Odyssey - if you want to know what Greece really looks like.
- Bringing Home The - amazing recipes using non traditional ingredients. fresh, fresh, baby.
- Slow Your Home - sincerely trying to hold back the jealousy.
- I Might Have a Glass of Beer - it's about beer. enough said.
- Notes of Desert Rose Style - fashion in Dubai, so exotic!
- Hey Luchie! - amazing cartoonist
- Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition Blog - for bikers, ahoy!
- Reluctant Food Blogger - currently brewing their own alcohol. brave and innovative.
- Childes at Heart - a crazy, wonderful mom and how she keeps a handle on it all.
- Enlightened Mama - partial to this one, a great blog informing us about life, living, and birth!
- Reinventing the Wheel - MIT bike geeks. smart and aerodynamic.
The answers to Jessica's questions:
How long have you been blogging?
We've been blogging for four, wondrous months.
You have a plane ticket to anywhere in the world. Where do you go?
New Zealand! In fact we are planning on going there for our anniversary next year.
What's your guilty pleasure?
Josey: A Barre class
Brian: a big bowl -er- a box of cereal
This is like asking Ryan Gosling to pick his favorite meme.
But who are we kidding, Josey: Okay but why are we doing this? Brian: The Big Reveal
Who is your favorite fictional character?
Josey: Elizabeth Bennett (Pride & Prejudice) Brian: Ben Affleck as Doug MacRay (The Town)
Werewolves, vampires, or zombies?
Zombies! We still can't get over the season finale of Walking Dead
What is your favorite movie quote?
"Hakuna Matata"
If you could live in any fictional world (from any book, TV show, or movie), which one would you choose? Why?
Josey: Harry Potter. duh. I mean don't be riddikulus.
What's your favorite comfort food?
Brian: cold pizza. Josey: rice krispie treats.
Who would play you in a movie about your life?
A young Brian - Channing Tatum (am I right Pi Phis?); a more aged Brian - Gerard Butler.
How do you handle writer's block?
We brain storm - or we post a list of top 10 list.
Our random facts:
- Brian rides a bike to work
- Josey is superbly clumsy
- We love plants and think you can never have enough
- Four-in-One: We're like an old couple we like... antiquing,
- ... watching documentaries,
- ... completing the crossword (on Mondays), and
- ... sleeping for 10 hours every night.
- Brian's wedding ring is made of Tungsten
- We can't stand paying so much for cable
- Brian runs hot and Josey runs cold - so one of us is either shivering or sweating at any given moment
- Josey hasn't grown taller since 8th grade. dang. Brian, however, is most likely still growing.
- Thank the nominating blogger (which is us!)
- Nominate 6 blogs that are new and/or have small followings.
- Answer 7 questions from the nominating blogger (which is us!)
- Tell your readers 8 random facts about yourself
- Give your nominees 9 questions to answer (Your 7 questions are below)
- What country are you from?
- What's your favorite thing about American culture?
- If you win the lottery, let's say $400 million, will you share it with anyone? Who?
- How do you feel about cheese?
- What's your favorite sport to watch?
- Channing Tatum or Gerard Butler?
- Crossword puzzle question (I'm stuck on this one, among others): 10 letters - Language introduced in 1995.
Well that's quite enough for now!
Need not,
Josey and Brian