drumroll please....
takka takka takka (that's a drum.)
prum tum tum prum (or if you prefer this kind of drum.)
. . .
"What! You $#%@#*! idiots! You got rid of your bed?!" (CONFESSION: we haven't told our parents yet and that may be their response). But after three weeks we both agree - we've never slept better or felt more refreshed in the morning than when sleeping on the floor. Of course we have a little cushion - Josey's college dorm comforter and a yoga mat, but seriously we feel amazing! Also Josey may or may not have gained half an inch in height from stretching out her back. If you know Josey personally, then you know this is a monumental gain.
The best way to know for yourself is to do, but we did gain insight from other people's doings including:
Sometimes minimalism is going to include tough decisions, that seem culturally counterintuitive - at least we'll fit in if we ever move to Japan. But honestly it's about living simpler, better lives. Less concerned with stuff, with buying, with consuming, with falling off the bed. Who knows if we will give in and buy a futon pad or something similar - all we know is we are on the fast track to keeping our original hips well throughout our 90s. And how many people can say that?
Need not,
Brian (and Josey)
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