- Walls can be bare. You don't need to fill every speck of plaster and sheetrock, sometimes (most of the time) space is okay. That also applies to the floor. Leave room to walk, skip, summersault - you get the picture. Don't turn your house into a hoarder house, leave more than just a walkway between pieces of furniture. Think about a luxurious hotel and you'll get the picture.
- Be aware of where your eye is drawn, in the picture above the items on top of the dresser are order by height, tallest to shortest working your way in. My eye is drawn to the piece of art in the middle. (CONFESSION: this is the least helpful tip lol, but I feel like it sounds smart)
- Think in pairs, sets of fours, or our favorite - threes.
- Symmetry is King! Use your ruler (or measuring tape), make minor pencil marks on the wall, and work together. Be diligent - this is your home so take the time to do it right.
- Coordinate colors by bringing out accents in picture or art. Neutrals are an obvious choice for big items, smaller items can be bolder without fear of being tacky.
- QUALITY over quantity, all day long. Do your research, know what materials items are made of and where they came from. Things we value in the items we buy: made in the USA, organic and recycled products, local artists and vendors.
- Leave room for expansion. Unless you are in your dream home (we are not), buy pieces that may be a bit large or spendy for your current digs, but will work perfectly for the home you are going to have. That said, investment pieces don't need to be displayed until you have the space for them and only if you are actually going to have space for them in the near future.
- Ignore rule 7 in most instances. Don't buy something just because it catches your eye; if you really want or need it then:"1 item in, 2 items out" (it's just good math). AND if said item is not unique or one of a kind, consider that the item may still be available once you have space to display it. More stuff = more stuff and our goal is to minimize!
- Functional and pretty. Jars, boxes, platters, glassware etc. can be decor but also have a function. Our ideas include spare change, potpourri, seashells, plants and scented oils.
- Furniture, the best known Christmas gift for couples! Especially since we are minimalists in the making, we don't need to buy each other stuffs for presents. Instead we focus on things we can do together (more on memory-making-gifts in another post) and items for our home. The dresser in the picture (with matching bedside tables, not pictured) is the well researched, not hastily purchased Brian/Josey Christmas gift of 2013.
Have more tips you'd like to share? Comment below, because minimalism doesn't apply to list making!
Need not,
Brian and Josey